Greetings in the name of Christ our Lord,
Tonight’s readings are quite long, and so you can find them here. Rather than comment at length about them, I find it better, especially with John’s account, to simply read, listen, and meditate on Christ’s words. Here is the comfort of Christians: here is the promise of Christ.
On this night, Christians have traditionally sung and listened to a hymn called the Ubi Caritas. I include the text in both Latin and English, and a link to what I consider to be an excellent recording of a modern setting. I’d invite you to listen to it and read the lyrics before and after you read through tonight’s accounts and the words of Christ for us.
Ubi cáritas et amor, Deus ibi est. Ubi cáritas et amor, Deus ibi est. Ubi cáritas et amor, Deus ibi est. |
Where charity and love are, God is there. Christ's love has gathered us into one. Let us rejoice and be pleased in Him. Let us fear and let us love the living God. And may we love each other with a sincere heart. Where charity and love are, God is there. As we are gathered into one body, Beware, lest we be divided in mind. Let evil impulses stop, let controversy cease, And may Christ our God be in our midst. Where charity and love are, God is there. And may we with the saints also, See Thy face in glory, O Christ our God: The joy that is immense and good, Unto the ages through infinite ages. Amen. |
Here's one of my absolute favorite settings of this text:
God’s blessings on this most holy of Thursdays, and may Christ’s peace, the peace which surpasses all understanding, guide you and strengthen you as you meditate on His Passion and Resurrection in the coming days.
In Christ’s Peace and Love,
Pastor Singer ☩