The Church Library was established in 2008 to provide a religious educational resource for the Congregation which would:
The Church Library Collection of books and other materials is available for use by Members and Friends of the Peace in Christ Congregation. The books for adults, youth and children include:
A list of Dewey Decimal Call numbers for popular religious topics may be found in the Checkout Area.
The following types of materials are found in the Church Library:
Loan period for all materials is 4 weeks, with a Sunday due date. All Church Library materials may be borrowed and taken home, except for those marked with (*) above, which may be used in the Church Building and returned the same day to the Church Library.
To borrow library materials, congregational members and friends may checkout materials by themselves, whenever they visit the Church Library. The Sunday due date (4 weeks in the future) is set by the Church Librarian on the Date Due rubber stamp (located on the ink stamp pad in the checkout area). When borrowing Church Library Materials do the following:
When returning Church Library Materials, place returned library materials in the checkout area. Church Librarian will place the book card back in its pocket and shelve the book.
On a regular basis, descriptions of interesting new Church library books will be submitted for inclusion in the Sunday Worship Bulletin. On occasion, important articles from library magazines will also be included.
Church Librarian Marilyn Georg is available to provide assistance in finding materials in the Church Library.